Nutritional Nugget: More About Ashwagandha

What is this Ashwagandha booster that many of us request in our smoothies at Superfoods Café and Market?  Ashwagandha, pronounced as ash-wah-gan-duh, is rich in green color and its origin is from India. The name is believed to mean “smell of a horse” because the root of ashwagandha smells as a horse, but don’t let that deter you from ordering it in your smoothie (Goldman, 2016).  Ashwagandha grows from a seed and can reach up to thirty-six inches in length. The leaves of the plant are yellowish green and then there is a berry that comes from the flowering of the plant ashwagandha, but the root is what holds the nutritional value..  For more on how it is grown check out this link.

Ashwagandha is rich in protein and carbohydrates and minimal in fat. With a bit of fiber, this booster also has vitamin C, calcium, iron, choline, and amino acids (Guerra, 2019).  Ashwagandha has had proven correlation with aiding certain symptoms of memory loss, stress, dementia, and helped with energy levels (Singh et. al, 2011).  We highly recommend having Ashwagandha next time you create your own smoothie or order one of our custom signature smoothies.  It really goes well with mango, pineapple, and berry flavors and its flavor is masked by our raw cacao powder flavor.  Ask for ashwagandha as your free booster next time you order.  To dig into more detail about Ashwagandha, we highly recommend reading our references below.


Guerra, J.  (2019, November 6).  Ashwagandha:  Everything You Need to Know Before You Try It.  Retrieved from:

Goldman, R.  (2016, August 8). Benefits of Ashwagandha.  Retrieved from:


Singh, N., Bhalla, M., Jager, P. & Gilca, M. (2011).  An Overview on Ashwagandha:  A Rasayana (Rejuvenator) of Ayurveda.  African Journal of Traditional.  Complementary and Alternative Medicines.  Retrieved from:





Kelly Jarvis